January 07, 2016

My 2016 Blogging Resolutions

The end of 2015 marked my return to the blogging world and I'm excited to continue my journey. This year is still young and there is so much more to learn and to improve. Maybe I shouldn't call these resolutions as most of them don't make it to February.  Fingers crossed!

  • I want to stick to my schedule this year and maybe, if it's manageable with work, even post more frequently. Let's not jinx it, so I won't make promises.
  • 2016 is the year of accepting that I have a "little bit of everything" blog. I want to feel more confident about my content. No more deleting of posts that don't fit into a specific category, no more doubting!
  • Sometimes I feel like I'm a 90-year-old granny because I can't figure social media out. Instagram, Twitter, Snapchat, Facebook? Social media I'm coming for you!
  • Finally I just want to have fun with my blog, enjoy the writing process, interact with readers. I need to stop worrying about my stats because I'm not blogging for numbers. I'm doing it for myself (we're allowed to be selfish, right?) and for anyone who enjoys reading my ramblings.
What are some your 2016 resolutions?


  1. Accepting that you have mixed content is a really good resolution! Nowadays with all the bla-bla about niches you easily get confused, so liking what you do is key :) Also when it comes to social media I would suggest you start with only one or two. Instagram is definitely the one that's easiest and most fun :) Good luck in sticking to your goals :)

  2. these are some great resolutions. i completely agree with what you said about no more doubting. i hope 2016 is a great blogging year for us both!


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